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Greyhound Breeding & Inbreeding Statistics
The Coefficient of Inbreeding or "inbreeding coefficient" is a measure of the amount of inbreeding or common ancestry in a pedigree. Using Greyhound Pedigrees Online, data on the Coefficient of Inbreeding for most of the AKC Greyhound litters and dogs imported into the AKC registry has been compiled for 1996 through 2000.

You can download the full spreadsheet in Excel format or click on one of the following links for separate categories.

      Coefficient of Inbreeding for litters, 1996-2002
      Imported Greyhounds, 1996-2002
      Foundation Lines

Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI) is expressed as a percentage. To give some idea of the signficance of the numbers:
      father/daughter, mother/son, or brother/sister breeding = 25% COI
      uncle/niece, aunt/nephew, or half-sibling breeding = 12.5% COI
      first cousins breeding = 6.25% COI

The above percentages assume there are no other relationships between the two parents. If there are common ancestors farther back in the pedigree, the COI is higher.

The Coefficient of Inbreeding figures were calculated using 10 generation pedigrees. Only those dogs and litters whose 10-generation pedigrees were at least 90% complete are included, because the larger the number of missing ancestors in a pedigree, the less accurate the COI calculation will be.

For more information on the COI data and pedigrees, contact Sarah Regan Snavely or Elaine Summerhill.

For information on population genetics in dogs, or specific information on inbreeding coefficients, and the popular sire effect, try Dr. John Armstrong's Canine Diversity Project or the Inbreeding and Linebreeding section of Sue Ann Bowling's Animal Genetics website.

Revision history:
8 February 2002 COI spreadsheet updated
12 March 2002 COI spreadsheet and derived tables updated
18 October 2002 reformat and update
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